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Sphynx FAQs and General Cat Information

The links below are for all cat adopters.... regardless of breed!





Sphynx Personality


Two are Better Than One


Preparation for New Kitten


Finding a Reputable Breeder


Other comments (declawing, keeping cats indoors,etc)


Sphynx specific FAQs

What is the Sphynx history?

There is record of a Mexican Hairless cats that lived in the early 1900's. The cats from that lineage became extinct. Then in 1966, "Epidermis", a bald cat was born in Toronto, Canada in 1966. Most of the Sphynx are derived from natural mutations found in the 1970's and 1980's from the Michigan, Minnesota and Toronto areas. Some of the foundation cats are Jezebelle, who produced Dermis and Epidermis; several Jen Jude cats and in 1989, Desert Storm of Gunzhof. The Sphynx gene for baldness is a mutation and recessive.

Are Sphynx truly hairless?

No, they are not. Sphynx appear hairless, however most have a fine down. There is hair on the bridge of the nose and there is an allowance for hair on ears, paws, tail. Most Sphynx have hair on the back of their ears. Sphynx feel soft like a warm peach. They should NOT feel sticky. Some Sphynx are hairier than others and that is perfectly normal. 

What are the Sphynx supposed to look like?

Sphynx are regal looking cats and their most distinctive feature is their appearance of baldness. While appearing bald, they have a fine down that feels like peach fuzz. They are medium sized cats with oversized ears. Sphynx should look like they just ate a really big meal. They come in ALL colors.

They should not look like bald Siamese or have exceptionally long legs or a skinny body.

Also read these links for further information:

TICA Standard     CFA Standard    CFA Breed Profile   

Do Sphynx get cold and need to have the house at a warmer temperature?

Sphynx are like humans - if you are cold, they are probably cold. I keep warm blankets around the house and they will burrow in those. My house is keep at 69 in the winter and fairly cool in the summer too. They do need access to something to keep them warm in the winter. Just like humans, being too cold can be a stressor!

Are Sphynx allergy-free?

NO! The saliva contains the dander which causes the allergic reaction in most people. Sphynx still have that. However, many people with allergies can tolerate the Sphynx. I believe it is because when the cats groom themselves, they get it on the hair and that sheds. I have had many success stories with people who have allergies, but I also have where the cat had to be returned because the person could not tolerate even a Sphynx. Make sure you discuss with your breeder what the procedures are for adopting a Sphynx if you have allergies and that there is a fair return policy.

What is the cost of Sphynx?

Pets kittens from a reputable breeder around $1300-1600. (Note, just because the price is higher, does not necessarily mean the breeder is reputable) Young adults held back to see if they develop into breeders may be reduced to around $800-$1000.  Retired breeders are usually around $400-$800 and it depends on the age and health of the animal too. There are some special needs cats but that is on a case by case basis and one should realize that a special needs Sphynx demands a lot more in time and money in the long run. Special needs cats should also have all vet documentation available for you to see and you should call your vet to see what his/her opinion of the *special needs* are.

Please remember these prices are just general!

What should a *rare* color cat or a blue eyed cat cost?

THE SAME AS THE OTHERS! If someone is charging MORE for a blue-eyed cat or for a certain color... go to another breeder. Sphynx are not bred for color, but type, temperament and health!

Why are Sphynx so expensive? You must make money off of them!?

All cats take a great deal of time and money to care for properly. As with any purebred animal from a reputable breeder, you can expect them to be more expensive because usually the breeder spends more time and money to ensure she is improving the breed. While $1300-1600 a kitten seems like a lot... Breeders spend a small fortune a week on food and litter, I have to buy all the tools necessary to breed (thermometers, shampoo, extra blankets, towels, cleaning products, vitamins). Yearly heart scans done by a cardiologist are about $500 (without a discount) a breeder cat. Show entry fees are about $80-100 per cat per show, not including travel. I show 10-12 times a year. Showing once or twice a year does not make someone a show breeder. The title of Champion does not mean much either. Some breeders will use this title when they are not really outstanding quality. Unexpected vet bills can be in the thousands of dollars. Then the regular vet bills, the shots, food, the altering - I could go on and on.

I spend hours cleaning up after my cats, scooping litter boxes, feeding them, sometimes newborns have to be supplemented every 2 hours for a few weeks. Breeding is a lot of time and dedication, it can be rewarding, but it is not easy and can be heartbreaking too. There are much better and easier ways to make money than breeding any sort of animal. This is something I do because I love Sphynx and I want my pet buyer to enjoy them at their best as well.

Good, ethical breeders do not make "profit" from the sale of their kittens, the money from the sale of pet kittens only supports the process. Kitten mills or those that have too many cats, are rumored to make money. Breeders like myself do not.

$1300-$1600 to adopt a loved, well socialized, well bred cat from good lines is a great deal, especially when it is backed up with a written contract. NOTE: Not all that charge premium prices have premium cats. You must ask the right questions and visit as well.

Are Sphynx fragile or sickly?

The answer is NO to both! Sphynx are just cats without cloths. They are by no means fragile. Sphynx are generally as healthy as any other purebred cat.

What is a Sphynx F1, F2 or F3?

Please see Sphynx Outcross page


If you have any questions you would like answered, please feel free to send me an email at:



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